How we add value

Framework for realising potential

Regenerative investing is a practice of ‘realising potential’. All businesses have potential but the development of that potential emerges through the combination of the investor, investee, and the business context.



Starting with deep care for the investee and their ecosystem, Atreyu is driven to discover and work with their essence.


A business forms an imprint on its ecosystem through its activities and relationships. Atryu supports the defining of a future imprint by including the essence of all participants into one picture.


Atreyu supports the designing of processes towards the defined imprint. These processes need to be iterative, adaptive and inclusive to ensure regenerative results.


Atreyu supports its investees in developing capacities to deliver on the designed processes.



We invest longer term funds highly aligned with the journey of the business and its founders.


Our financial investments are mostly in the form of equity, self-liquidating debt or hybrid instruments (such as a Revenue-based Convertible Loan)


We encourage steward-ownership models which enshrine two core principles: self-governance and purpose orientation.

Ooooby Steward Ownership Model

Atreyu is a lighthouse for other impact investors seeking to work from living systems principles, to show investing is an act of realising potential - an act of life.

Voting rights: The control over e company lies with the Stewards Entity. They have the same rights and duties as shareholders in standard corporations and to steer Ooooby in the future.
Guardian rights: 1% of voting rights or Veto rihts lie with he Guardians. The Gurdians voting right/ veto right concentrates on ensuring the principles of steward-ownership.
Economic rights: Equiy investors obtain investor shares with cappedprofit rights that hold no voting rights. Estimated ROI of 21% IRR, with an expected full payout in 7 years. (implies 4 x TMB)